Tuesday, November 17, 2009

10 Down, 7 to Go!

10 down- we're in double digits! However, I'm feeling it tonight. It's 9:00 and I'm off to bed.

I did run 4 miles at the gym today- still trying to NOT fit into the typical cancer patient mold- working to exceed expectations and defy conventional cancer norms. Not sure if I am, but it feels good to 'fight back'!

I've been bummed that I would have to take four days off for Thanksgiving and then go back for just one more treatment. Good news is now that they want to see and treat me on the 27th. I'm down with that. Then I can be DONE and rest and enjoy that weekend. I'll find out what time when I go tomorrow.

Peace out...and a shout out to Andrea, Denise and Kelly. My 'Chick Posse'! Don't ask... :-P

Oh yeah- cyclists, check out the survey at the top right and let me know if you're down for a Turkey Trot. Larry Peterson is coordinating, and he shared the proposed route with me tonight. We'll keep it to no longer than 2 hours that morning.

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