Sunday, August 21, 2016

Cancer changes everything...

Family and Friends,
7 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer.  October 1, 2016.  Although Lisa and I were already certain that cancer would be the diagnosis, we just didn’t know what kind of cancer it would be.

When I was diagnosed, the first thing that came to my mind was “ok, let’s hear the plan on how we’re going to beat this.”  But, the second thing that came to my mind was the one that changed my life- “I need to beat this thing, because I want to be there when my daughters get married.  I want to dance with them at their weddings.”  Cancer survivors will tell you that immediately upon receiving the cancer diagnosis, their outlook on life changes.  Things that mattered before don’t matter at all.  Things that didn’t matter suddenly begin to matter.  My family, which was always the most important thing to me, became much more important- and I wanted to maximize my time with them, because I wasn’t sure how much time I would have left.

For 7 years we've lived with cancer.  We’ve battled, we’ve prayed, we’ve given thanks, and we’ve learned and grown.  This past May, our two oldest daughters got married.  I was blessed to be there- and to dance with them.  As I danced with them, I’m not ashamed to say I sobbed.  These two beautiful young women have grown up and decided to marry two incredible young men.  As a Dad it was everything I wanted for them.  But, part of what made me sob was the realization that from 7 years ago when I was diagnosed to now, my life has been preserved and extended. I was there to dance with two of my daughters.  Two down, one to go (but no rush, Kodi!).

Since I was diagnosed, the incredible staff at Huntsman Cancer Hospital have taken care of me.  I’m convinced my life has been extended because of their treatment.  And I’m counting on them to continue to help me battle- and to help extend my life so I can be there for our youngest daughter’s wedding down the road.

So, what does that have to do with you, and why this e-mail?  I COULD USE YOUR HELP.  Well, to be honest, I could really use your money.  And, your generosity.

In three weeks I’ll race my 12th LOTOJA Classic- 206 miles from Logan, UT to Jackson Hole, WY.  I'll be on the road with over 1,000 racers, but also with 74 other Hometown Heroes who have signed up to raise funds for Huntsman Cancer Foundation.  Last year your generosity allowed me to raise almost $7K.  I’d love to top that this year, but my goal is to simply raise $5K.

Each year for the last 9 years I’ve been blessed to raise funds for Huntsman Cancer Foundation.  My family is my life, cycling is my passion, and raising funds to battle cancer has become a driving factor for me in my life.  So, I still have cancer.  It's incurable, and pretty much untreatable (right now).  

If you feel you can donate (any amount, that's up to you), you can click the link below and go directly to my LOTOJA Hometown Heroes donation page.  You can donate via credit card right on the page.  Or, if you'd like to donate via check or cash, you can send them to me and I'll get them to Huntsman.  My home address is:

1597 E. Ridge Rd.
Layton, UT 84040

Please click here if you'd like to donate:

A HUGE THANK YOU to those of you who’ve donated in the past.  A HUGE THANK YOU to those who feel they can donate this year.

In closing, let me thank you for reading to this point.  Even if you choose not to donate, or can't at this time, know how much I appreciate your love, support and interest.

I thank you all in advance for anything you feel you can do. I’ll continue to post updates of fundraising progress on Facebook (, my blog (, and via Twitter ( 

Thank you for your relationship with me, and for your love and support! 

Much love,
